Liddy Chan

Account Manager

Liddy works closely with the sourcing team to meet client needs and keeps them updated on project developments. She enjoys the process of sourcing for the opportunity it gives her to learn about diverse products, fostering continuous self-improvement and maintaining a positive mindset.

What’s your hometown?
My hometown is Chaozhou, Guangdong. It is a city with a rich history.

What kind of food do you like?
I like various foods, and my favorite ones are beef, seafood, spicy hotpot, etc.

What do you do in your job in general?
As an Account Manager, my main responsibilities revolve around collaborating closely with the sourcing team to meet our client’s needs and keeping our clients informed about project developments.

Why do you enjoy sourcing?
I relish the opportunity to delve into diverse products, broadening my knowledge base. The continuous journey of learning and self-improvement fosters a positive mindset and ignites my passion.

What do you like most about working with IMEX?
IMEX has offered ample opportunities for professional growth, and I have fantastic teammates here : )

What do you do outside of work?
I typically gravitate towards more tranquil pursuits like yoga, strolling in the park, hiking, and watching movies.

What can you do, and what can clients do, to ensure that the Sourcing Project has a perfect result?
While I do not directly handle sourcing, I am committed to knowing the products in detail and understanding our clients’ instructions clearly. I strive to effectively communicate this vital information to our team.

I believe it would greatly benefit our process if clients could provide detailed specifications and physical samples as references for sourcing. This would enable us to align our efforts more effectively.