Cut Your Import Costs Now Without Paying a Cent:
IMEX Sourcing Services Special Offer

“We will source for FREE any product you have spent 100K in purchases over a 12 month period.”  ($250 Savings)

Check your supply chain and identify whether you can overhaul your importing management via our 360 Comprehensive Service.


See if you can get a lower per unit cost on any good you’re currently sourcing.

Normally, we charge an upfront “Sourcing Initiation Fee” for us to research your product, check suppliers, negotiate prices, return quotes, and send samples to you – sometimes a process that takes months.

But we’ll do this for FREE for up to three products on which you’ve spent at least $100,000 importing from China in a single year.

We’ll run the inquiry through our vetted supplier networks to see if we can lower the unit cost.

But a lower unit cost is not the only you get when you work with us!

We provide value by outsourcing and managing the whole sourcing process, saving you all the hassle in working directly with your Chinese supplier while ensuring rigorous quality control of your projects.


For over six years, IMEX Sourcing Services has been improving ROI and helping companies scale by providing 360 Comprehensive Sourcing – a complete, all-encompassing Sourcing QC & Project Management service.

It means our team of industry experts manages everything – from sourcing a supplier all the way through to managing customs clearance and logistics – and addresses all the critical points in the process.

We become our clients’ office and representatives in China.


Curt Storring

After a sour experience with a Chinese company, finding the IMEX team has been great. They did absolutely everything for me from finding suppliers to finding a reputable FBA warehouse in the US. They get things done efficiently and with a high degree of accuracy. They are always my #1 recommendation for anyone who is looking for help in China.

Curt Storring Canada, Amazon Seller


Our standard company contact form can be found below.

  • Fill in  your details & specify the details of the product you would like us to source.
  • Include this text: “Offer Code: 100K360.”

Afterwards, our company will be in touch with to verify your product details, and see if you qualify for this offer.

No risk to you, but potentially massive rewards.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get an inquiry going!