Ian Ji
Sourcing Manager

Ian is relentless in her sourcing duties. Around our office, she’s known for her hardworking attitude and is one of our most hardcore price negotiators with suppliers. Ian is an energetic personality with varied interests like NBA and cooking and is always learning – as can be seen in her lessons in Arabic and swing dancing.

What’s your hometown?

My hometown is Shantou: a beautiful coastal city in Guangdong Province.

What kind of food do you like?

I like all kinds of food…except pork.

Chinese hot pot, Japanese sushi, Korean kimchi, Turkish foods…these are all really good.

What do you do in your job in general?

I handle anything that involves suppliers – like sourcing, QC, sample inspections, verifying companies, negotiating prices, and getting shipments arranged.

Why do you enjoy sourcing?

My favorite part in sourcing is having lots of opportunities to explore new products. A lot of our products are extremely interesting, and we’ll inspect many right here in our office – which is always an interesting time. I also enjoy the work of negotiating with different suppliers.

What do you like most about working with IMEX?

The thing I like most about IMEX is that we’re always dealing with cutting edge, premium products. Also, I’ve got great colleagues here.

What do you do outside of work?

I am a sporty girl – love sports. My sport interests are kinda surprising to some people – my two favorites are swing dancing and playing basketball.

I always spend my weekend morning on watching NBA or reading with my homemade breakfast.

What can you do, and what can clients do, to ensure that the Sourcing Project has a perfect result?

I can always try to know the product in greater detail and do better, faster research on companies in limited time.

On the client side, I can say that it’s always helpful if they’re able to provide to us a sample of what they’re trying to source. The more details, the better.